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You can’t know beauty.
Let go the distinction between subject and object.
Be beauty.

You can’t know innocence.
Let go the distinction between good and evil.
Be innocence.

You can’t know love.
Let go the distinction between self and other.
Be love.

From → aphorisms, mysticism

  1. Be


  2. Distinction between self and other is love. Beautiful.
    Its been long. I hope you are doing good.


  3. I’m doing very nicely thank you. Lots of pain and pleasure, joy and suffering – just like everyone else. It’s great to be alive and great that I’ll die someday (If you’re reading this you know that I at least made it to the end of the comment).

    I think about you often Lala. Wondering how your new life is working out. Glad to hear about your photography hobby.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Is it really great to be alive? Not for me these days. But I’ll make it to the end of tunnel, as always. And thanks, for thinking about me. Feels good to know.


      • I’m sad to hear you’re in the dumps again. I thought maybe the total change to married life in a new country might have turned things around for you. But I guess no matter where you are, you’re there.

        Not to worry. Life sucks, but it’s fleeting. There’s still an eternity or so without it.


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