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God spoke not


God spoke not the word
That tore us from Her bosom
That cast us from the garden
Stole meaning from Creation

God spoke not the word
That brought the foreign army
Earthquake, flood, tsunami
The word of terror, grief and pain

God spoke not the word
Setting man against his brother
Putting one above the other
Unbelievers to the sword

God spoke not the word
Of the bogus seers and prophets
Turning Babel into profits
Drawing souls unto themselves

God spoke not the word
That took away our freedom
That bound us to our reason
That fettered us in laws

God speaks not in words
He speaks in silence beyond meaning
Through visions and through Dreaming
Yet She doesn’t speak at all

God lives in our heart
What use is there in speaking?
We already hold His Meaning.
Not Her children. We are One.

Speak not of God with words
Words are lies
Words divide

God is the Truth that cannot be spoken
That need not be spoken
The Truth to us all

  1. I hope you don’t think this poem was about you or your beliefs.
    It’s about me and mine.
    It’s me God speaks not to, not you.
    Or so I say, at least ;).


  2. Speak not of God with words
    Words are lies
    Words divide

    God speaks not in words
    He speaks in silence beyond meaning

    and the last lines of course. *LIKES*


  3. Powerful. Love it.


    • Thanks.

      It’s one of my personal faves but not so to my blog readers.
      I thought a Christian mystic might get it though.

      I can’t say I feel I own it. Like most of the poems on this blog it came as a kind of thought insertion when I wasn’t even thinking consciously about poetry. Another thing I like about my bipolar (if it is actually a function of my bipolar that is).

      Liked by 1 person

      • As you may know, in Touched with Fire, Kay Redfield Jamison’s own research and survey of other research shows the highest occurrence of bipolar disorder among poets as compared to other writers and artists.


  4. Catching up with blog reading and I wanted to say how much this poem “spoke” to me. It is va beautiful piece that uses words and language to say what otherwise cannot be verbalized. Congratulations! I would like to reblog this poem, if I may? My best to you, phoebe Wagner

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would like to reblog this poem, if I may?

      Of course you may. I’d say I’m flattered but it came spontaneously without a sense of volition or ownership. It’s my favourite though, so I’m happy you’ve vindicated my taste.


Over to you